Welcome to Success Codex Keycode Library!

Click a Keycode* below to explore deeper!

*Please note: This free resource is a work in progress and new keycodes will be added over time!

Keycode {1}

Keycode {1}


(Tapping into your creative flow to create new + original things)
How can I bring my creativity to this?

Archetype: The Creator
Alignment Cue: Creative
Out-of-Alignment Cue: Stuck

Center: Identity
Channel + Circuit: (01-08) Individual - Knowing
Human Design Gate: Self-expression / creative energy
Gene Keys (shadow - gift - siddhi): entropy - freshness - beauty
Programming Partner: {2} DIRECTION - The Compass
Astrology Sign: Scorpio - Transformation/Power/Depth
Keywords + Themes: self-expression; creativity; uniqueness; originality; leadership

Keycode {2}

Keycode {2}


(Orienting yourself + others towards where you/they need + want to go)
Where am I/they ultimately going with this?

Archetype: The Compass
Alignment Cue: Orienting
Out-of-Alignment Cue: Lost

Center: Identity
Channel + Circuit: (2-14) Individual - Knowing
Human Design Gate: Direction of self / higher knowledge
Gene Keys (shadow - gift - siddhi): Identity
Programming Partner: {1} CREATIVITY - The Creator
Astrology Sign: Taurus
Keywords + Themes: finding yourself; opening to your next steps; being present; receptivity

Keycode {3}

Keycode {3}


(Co-creating with the circumstances + tools you are given)
What can I create from this?

Archetype: The Innovator
Alignment Cue: Playful
Out-of-Alignment Cue: Resistant

Center: Sacral
Channel + Circuit: (3-60) Individual - Knowing
Human Design Gate: Ordering / Solutions
Gene Keys (shadow - gift - siddhi): chaos - innovation - innocence
Programming Partner: {50} VALUES - The Code
Astrology Sign: Aries/Taurus
Keywords + Themes: embracing chaos; innovation; co-creating; play; inner child

Keycode {4}

Keycode {4}


(Co-creating with the circumstances + tools you are given)
What can I create from this?

Archetype: The Conceptualizer
Alignment Cue: Playful
Out-of-Alignment Cue:

Center: Sacral
Channel + Circuit: (3-60) Individual - Knowing
Human Design Gate: Ordering / Solutions
Gene Keys (shadow - gift - siddhi): chaos - innovation - innocence
Programming Partner: {50} VALUES - The Code
Astrology Sign: Aries/Taurus
Keywords + Themes: embracing chaos; innovation; co-creating; play; inner child

Keycode {52}

Keycode {52}

(Knowing when to push and when to hold back your energy)
What is the best/wisest use of my energy?

Archetype: The Balance
Alignment Cue: Temperate
Out-of-Alignment Cue: Stuck

Center: Root
Channel + Circuit: (9-52) Collective - Understanding
Human Design Gate: Stillness / Concentration
Gene Keys (shadow - gift - siddhi): stress-restraint-stillness
Programming Partner: {58} JOY - The Joy
Astrology Sign: cancer
Keywords + Themes: right use of energy; patience; trust; mindfulness; stillness


Keycode {64}

Keycode {64}

(Bringing clarity to yourself + others)
What do I see clearly that can serve myself + others?

Archetype: The Illuminator
Alignment Cue: Illuminating
Out-of-Alignment Cue:

Center: Head
Channel + Circuit: (64-47) Collective - Sensing
Human Design Gate: Confusion / Making Sense
Gene Keys (shadow - gift - siddhi): confusion-imagination-illumination
Programming Partner: {63} CURIOSITY - The Wonderer
Astrology Sign: Virgo
Keywords + Themes: clarity; mental understanding; innerstanding; deep and expanded understanding


Meet Ankhara -

I'm Ankhara Rose, M.Ed - a Sacred Business Strategist and the creator of The Success Codex!  As a 3/6 pure generator with my sun in Keycode 62 (Decoding - The Translator), I trusted + followed my genius in synthesizing + translating what I believe are the most powerful AND empowering business aspects of Human Design, Gene Keys + Astrology, into a new, more practical and tangible system just to support Soul-Led Entrepreneurs in creating wildly successful businesses, built around their natural genius!

Let's dive into your Success Codex, heart-first, together!


Hey! I'm Ankhara!