Success Keycode: {1} CREATIVITY – The Creator
(Tapping into your creative flow to create new + original things)
How can I bring my creativity to this?
Success Keycode: {2} DIRECTION – The Compass
(Orienting yourself + others towards where you/they need + want to go)
Where am I/they ultimately going with this?
Success Keycode: {3} CHANGE – The Innovator
(Co-creating with the circumstances + tools you are given)
How can I create with or from this?
Success Keycode: {4} UNDERSTANDING – The Conceptualizer
(Using your holistic-intelligence to understand concepts + formulate answers)
What does my heart/head/body/soul have to say about this?
Success Keycode: {5} TRUST – The Unfolding
(Trusting that everything unfolds in the right time, and making moves accordingly)
How/What can I trust here, even more deeply?
Success Keycode: {6} DIPLOMACY – The Peacemaker
(Including + honoring all sides/views to create emotional safety)
What perspectives would be most supportive here?
Success Keycode: {7} FACILITATION – The Guide
(Guiding others to find their own answers)
How would I guide someone through this?
Success Keycode: {8} UNIQUENESS – The Trendsetter
(Carving out your own path + setting the trends simply by being you)
How can I approach this, my way?
Success Keycode: {9} FOCUS – The Archer
(Focusing your energy on what is most important, to accomplish something)
What is most essential for me to focus my energy on here?
Success Keycode: {10} AUTHENTICITY – The Heart
(Modeling what is possible through self-love + authenticity)
What would my true self/love do?
Success Keycode: {11} IDEAS – The Idea-Generator
(Bringing forth ideas that serve the greater good of all)
What (ideas) would best serve here?
Success Keycode: {12} IMPACT – The Artist
(Naturally creating an impact, through your creative self-expression)
How can I be more free with my creative self-expression?
Success Keycode: {13} LISTENING – The Listener
(Gleaning wisdom by empathically listening to the experiences of others)
What is the wisdom I hear/feel/sense?
Success Keycode: {14} SKILFULNESS – The Adept
(Accomplishing things, with intention + skill)
What transferable skills do I have that can help with this?
Success Keycode: {15} ADAPTABILITY – The Dancer
(Meeting others/life exactly as they are and ‘dancing’ with them)
How can I dance with this person/this situation?
Success Keycode: {16} MASTERY – The Enthusiast
(Enthusiastically acknowledging and trusting yourself + your mastery)
Which of my many skills + talents can I leverage here?
Success Keycode: {17} SOLUTIONS – The Visionary
(Providing high-level solutions that serve both the small-picture + big-picture)
How can I solve this in a way that best serves the overall intention?
Success Keycode: {18} IMPROVEMENT – The Refiner
(Questioning the way things currently work + finding ways to improve the system)
What needs to change to make this better?
Success Keycode: {19} ATTUNEMENT – The Sensitive
(Attuning to + meeting the needs of others)
What is needed here?
Success Keycode: {20} HONESTY – The Truth-Teller
(Expressing what I know to be true, in the present moment)
What is my truth about this, right now?
Success Keycode: {21} AUTHORITY – The Boss
(Trusting your authority to lead yourself + others)
How do I choose to approach this?
Success Keycode: {22} COMPASSION – The Grace
(Honoring your + others’ emotions with grace + compassion)
How can I bring more compassion to this?
Success Keycode: {23} SIMPLICITY – The Essence
(Simplifying complex ideas into the essentials that serve others)
How can I make this more simple?
Success Keycode: {24} INGENUITY – The Genius
(Quieting my mind to open to your brilliant insights + ingenuity)
What ideas arise from my state of inner quiet?
Success Keycode: {25} ACCEPTANCE – The Embrace
(Accepting, embracing + honoring the human experience)
How can I accept + honor this, exactly as it is?
Success Keycode: {26} INFLUENCE – The Influencer
(Using your natural influence to help people to see + say yes to what will best serve them)
What greater desire am I helping them say yes to?
Success Keycode: {27} SERVICE – The Nurturer
(Serving the needs of yourself + others)
How can I best serve here?
Success Keycode: {28} INTEGRATION – The Integrator
(Embracing + integrating the light + dark, to honor the whole)
How can I bring my entire self to this?
Success Keycode: {29} COMMITMENT – The Devotee
(Devoting yourself + your energy to what is meaningful to you)
What can I commit to here?
Success Keycode: {30} PASSION – The Passionate
(Following your passion + what lights you up)
How can I bring my passion to this?
Success Keycode: {31} LEADERSHIP – The Inspiration
(Inspiring others towards your vision for a better future)
What am I leading them (and myself) towards?
Success Keycode: {32} PROGRESS – The Continuity
(Ensuring success by bringing forth what is needed + letting go of the rest)
What essential pieces can I bring forward (and/or let go of) to ensure success?
Success Keycode: {33} LESSONS – The Sage
(Reflecting on + sharing important lessons)
What is the jewel of wisdom/lesson in this experience?
Success Keycode: {34} STRENGTH – The Powerhouse
(Cultivating your power, energy + fortitude to serve yourself + others)
How can I leverage my energy + fortitude to create change or serve?
Success Keycode: {35} ADVENTURE – The Explorer
(Approaching life as a soul-led adventure + sharing the wisdom you gain along the way)
How can I approach this as an adventure?
Success Keycode: {36} EMOTIONAL MASTERY – The Transmuter
(Turning difficult experiences into wisdom)
How is this challenge serving my emotional wisdom?
Success Keycode: {37} RELATIONSHIP – The Bond
(Creating safe + strong relationships, built on deep connection + healthy boundaries)
How can I give love + serve, with healthy boundaries?
Success Keycode: {38} GRIT – The Sacred Warrior
(Persevering through challenges, as you stand/fight for what you believe in)
What do I believe about this that will keep me in the game?
Success Keycode: {39} ACTIVATION – The Catalyst
(Activating people into change with your provocative passion + power)
How can I wield my provocative nature here, consciously + responsibly?
Success Keycode: {40} WILLPOWER – The Resolve
(Using your resolve to be of service, while honoring your energy)
How can I use my willpower to serve?
Success Keycode: {41} POSSIBILITY – The Dreamer
(Tuning into the best of what is possible + bringing your vision forth
What is possible here?
Success Keycode: {42} PROCESS – The Journey
(Detaching from the outcome + honoring every step of the journey)
How would I proceed if I had no attachment to the outcome?
Success Keycode: {43} INSIGHT – The Revelation
(Shaking up the status quo with insights that change minds + lives)
How can I look at this differently?
Success Keycode: {44} CULTIVATION – The Cultivator
(Bringing out highest potential in people, especially within groups)
How can I bring out the best in this person/situation?
Success Keycode: {45} DIRECTING – The Orchestrator
(Directing resources toward their best use, that serves the greater good)
How can I direct my energy + resources to support this?
Success Keycode: {46} EMBODIMENT – The Delight
(Delighting in + leveraging your physical embodiment to create success)
What does my body know about this?
Success Keycode: {47} ALCHEMY – The Alchemist
(Turning challenges into fuel for transformation)
What is the gift in this?
Success Keycode: {48} DEPTH – The Resource
(Leveraging your vast set of tools, skills + experience to serve others/your intention)
Which of my many tools + skills can I pull from to create success here?
Success Keycode: {49} REVOLUTION – The Sacred Rebel
(Courageously creating change that all will benefit from)
What do I believe in that is driving my desire to create change?
Success Keycode: {50} VALUES – The Code
(Establishing + upholding the principles + values that serve your community + the whole)
What values + principles would best serve here?
Success Keycode: {51} BREAKTHROUGH – The Jolt
(Sparking breakthroughs in yourself + others, through a jolt of awareness)
What do I feel inspired to do, be or say that might spark awareness in others?
Success Keycode: {52} MODERATION – The Balance
(Knowing when to push and when to hold back your energy)
What is the best/wisest use of my energy?
Success Keycode: {53} INITIATIVE – The Launch Pad
(Bringing your energy + excitement to get new endeavors off the ground)
What’s the first move?
Success Keycode: {54} DRIVE – The Go-Getter
(Aiming for success + going for what you want)
What am I moving towards achieving?
Success Keycode: {55} FREEDOM – The Free-Spirit
(Creating abundance through your emotional freedom + fulfillment)
How would I approach this if there were no rules?
Success Keycode: {56} EVOCATION – The Storyteller
(Evoking emotion + sparking change through your stories)
What emotion do I want to elicit through my words, that would serve others?
Success Keycode: {57} INTUITION – The Intuitive
(Trusting your intuition to guide you towards what is best)
What is my intuition telling me about this?
Success Keycode: {58} JOY – The Joy
(Infusing joy + vitality into your work + service)
How can joy lead me here?
Success Keycode: {59} INTIMACY – The Connector
(Creating deep + intimate connections with others)
How can I create intimacy here?
Success Keycode: {60} SUPPORT – The Structure
(Creating supportive structures + systems that foster magic)
What structures would best serve + support myself/others here?
Success Keycode: {61} SEEKING – The Seeker
(Exploring life’s mysteries to find your inner truth that you serve with)
What am I drawn towards exploring about this?
Success Keycode: {62} DECODING – The Translator
(Translating complex details into accessible language)
What details are essential for others to know + understand?
Success Keycode: {63} CURIOSITY – The Wonderer
(Exploring new ideas + possibilities without needing concrete answers)
What am I curious about here?
Success Keycode: {64} CLARITY – The Illuminator
(Bringing clarity to yourself + others)
What do I see clearly that can serve myself + others?
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